Associate Creative Director
Arnold Worldwide, Toronto 1997 - 2000
LEE ROBINSON Home 248.470.1174
The mission, to build a multi-media, pilot campaign to test a new bank of Montreal chequing account in Winnipeg Canada. The strategy was to tell AIR MILES collectors that with this new chequing account, they could turn their everyday banking into AIR MILES and fly faster. To convince people how easy this was, our creative visually showed all the ways they could be earning reward miles, from paying bills to using their debit card. Seeing is obviously believing, as this campaign exceeded all expectations by achieving an ROI of over 400% for Bank of Montreal.
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Bank of Montreal
Air Miles Checking Account Pilot
This interactive envelope demonstrates how the more banking you do with Bank of Montreal, the faster you’ll fly.
In-Store Wobbler
Newsprint Ad
The color blue figured very prominently in the creative. We used it to evoke the feeling of open skies and freedom.
Branches always place huge posters in their windows. We leveraged this fact by creating a double-sided poster with two different messages. The street side caused passerby’s attention by highlighting the new Double Dipping Debit Card. Once their interest was piqued, the “in-branch” side cinched the deal by showing all the ways to rack up AIR MILES.
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