Creative Director
LRC&P, Seattle 2010 - Current
Display – Click on the banner!
Numerous versions in varying shapes and sizes were created.
All print and web marketing below is a small sampling of the many versions of the full campaign.
TV: Stand Tall
The client loved this concept, but proceeded to challenge us to create 2 spots for the price of this one. Instead of cutting the production values in half and jeopardizing the the integrity of the spot, we presented the idea of spending a bit more time shooting the testimonials and creating a spot just around them. We advised them that it would punctuate the promise of the emotional story driven Stand Tall spot. And as a bonus they could test it to see if a testimonial only spot tested better than the emotional spot.
The Laser Spine Institute was looking to refresh their existing marketing with a modern and more cohesive brand. Among the many challenges, the brand needed to stay true to common health-care core values such as caring, integrity and professionalism. The differentiating message although solid was complicated – “Unlike hospital surgery procedures, Laser Spine Institute can get back pain sufferers back to living normal lives with only a small incision and with no lengthy recovery time.” So what did we do? We gave the brand a simple, memorable theme and own-able graphic. We also boosted the emotion and backed it all up with real testimonials.
The Result? A notable increase in satisfied patients. And a very happy client.
LEE ROBINSON Home 248.470.1174
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Magazine Ad
Ads were created to target doctors and caregivers as well as directly to customers like the one seen here.
TV: Real People
Many factors were used in choosing our testimonials. Like-ability, Injury type, personality, ability to tell their story on camera, and a mixed bag of lifestyles to appeal to all customers.
Postcards were targeted to potential customers as well as