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Direct Mail

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Progressive Auto

DM – Grovers surprise

Humor was as much a part of Progressive’s brand as being different from other insurance companies. This DM was one in many that raised the bar in testing. The money showing through the window with a s surprised look on the presidents face proved a great way to intrigue the customer to find out how much they could save. The mini $400 bill inside and congratulating them with preferred status got them to act.

Creating direct mail that drives response is the ultimate goal. Driving those numbers up even further with the use of creativity, humor, and brand lovability is what separates the pack.

The mini $400 bill was tipped-on to the backer card — making it fun and even more believable that the saving possibility was real.

Creative Director

Doner, Detroit 2002 - 2009

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DM – Fortune Cookie

Same strategy. Same message. Very different creative.

Customers couldn’t resist in cracking open their fortune Cookie. They soon found out Progressive’s lucky numbers could save them a fortune.


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