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Scripps Network (HGTV)

DM – Safe

This Scripps/HGTV DM package’s job was essentially to get media buyers to agree to a sit down with HGTV sales staff.

So what did we do for each mailing? Paying homage to the Home and Garden Channel, we hid a certificate with a guaranteed payout in a safe, locked the door and hid it in a chunk of a wall behind a painting. This highly unusual box showed up on media buyers desks and created the exact intrigue and buzz we were looking for. The awards it won were nice too.

I love a challenge. Almost as much as a big budget b2b mailing. But no safe creative ideas for me. Unless it actually involves hiding a safe in a wall and mailing it out.

We built an actual chunk of a wall and photographed it. Then turned it into a box.

Creative Director

Doner, Detroit 2002 - 2009

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The painting swung open revealing the hidden safe. From there, the top secret documents described the program benefits and informed the buyers that there was a certificate worth anywhere from $50-$1000 inside their safe waiting for them.
And guess who had the combination?
The Scripps sales rep of course.